Israel/Middle East 2006  



Zechariah 12:3

And in that day I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.



          TheWestern Wall                                                                                            


 Israel & Iran

Dr. James MacDonald

The Joy of Being Found
In Christ
  ( Part 2 )

July 19, 2006 -- Archives!






October 2006

Sept 2006

August 2006

July 2006                    



    August 1, 2006


             Man, all I can say is that The Hand Writing is really on the wall in the essence of pointing out the fact, of the seriousness of Israel being back as a Nation. For parts or all of the Middle East I think it might be Mene, Mene, Tekel, ... Read Daniel Chapter 5 in the Bible.  Israel in existence at this very moment in time, -- November 2006 -- is serious news. We have got to be so close to Jesus returning, that it is almost frightening if you are not right with Him.  Israel back as a Nation is very important.  The End of the World could seriously happen at any time, all it will take is a 7 year peace deal to kick it all off, and without Israel there could be no 7 year peace deal.  We have to be so close to Jesus returning, that if the fish in the ocean could speak they would be like, ' Do you know what time it is ' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ( I was just at the beach yesterday, (Nov. 5, 2006) and saw a little fish brother jump in the ocean :)  

           For real though, this is a time to take inventory of one's spiritual life, to get rid of impure thoughts, which bring dishonor, and to put on the kindness of God, we need to be following virtue, purity and righteousness, because that is God's will.  That is the only way to make it to Heaven.  If our righteousness doesn't make it then we have to hope it is Yahweh tsidkenu -- The Lord has become our righteousness, otherwise if Jesus came back right now, I'd be doomed!  But you better believe I'm getting back on that narrow path that leads to life.  Study, virtue, righteousness and purity is the only way to make it, if you are immoral and impure in your thoughts, you've got to fix the breach, before the breach destroys.  (Keep reading all those who think I'm talking about works to make it into Heaven, -- I'm not) :) lol

          I hope that all who believe in Jesus will make it no matter what, and then the  Judgment Seat  is where Christians will either be totally joyful or not to happy in relation to rewards and stuff. (Maybe in connection with faithfulness to God in the area of virtue?)

 I want to do good at the Judgment Seat, because these rewards are going to last forever I think, -  Eternal, -  so what could be a better decision than living for that which lasts forever, instead of stuff and pleasure that may last for 80 years.   However for those who aren't with Jesus, they are doomed right off the bat. So if you are not with Jesus, you need Him to make it to Eternal Life!!  He is the only way to Heaven. 

  1 John 2:23,25  -- Whosever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also. 
25 And this is the promise that he hath promised us, even eternal life.


  John Hagee -- Seperate yourself from the world!!  --  check out his broadcast: Sunday, November 5, 2006 at his web-site

It's good not to gloss over God's kindness and mercy and grace and love, but it's also not good to gloss over God's power of judgment.




The Cross is The Victory

John Hagee I think just said this not to long ago, and it's the truth!!! :)




         Jesus : )


p.s. To Anyone who comes by this page, if you are able, sign up for Jack Kinsella's Omega Letter ($10 a month).   As like the Book of Daniel says in the Bible, that those who understand will instruct many, which I think is during the Tribulation, but drawing a parallel to this time, Jack is one who is able to instruct many because He  understands Bible Prophecy! :)  And He is a Good Shepherd :) Which means he spent and probably does still spend a lot of time close to God :)